Executive Director
Juha Purmonen
Email: juha.purmonen(a)
Tel. +358 50 354 3832
Chairman of the society
Kim Grundström
Email: kim.grundstrom(a)
Tel. +358 456 158 705
Project Manager
Sidra Tul Muntaha
Email: sidra.muntaha(a)
Tel. +358 50 568 9761
Business Development Manager (On maternity leave until end of 2024)
Ana Gebejes
Email: ana.gebejes(a)
Tel. +358 41 4760113
Head of Projects (On maternity leave from mid November 2024)
Caroline Amiot
Email: caroline.amiot(a)
Tel. +358 40 412 6653
Communications & Events Manager (also contact for memberships)
Tuukka Pakarinen
Email: tuukka.pakarinen(a)
Tel. +358 50 3135930
Photonics Finland Society
Official name: Suomen fotoniikan seura ry
Business Identity Code (Y-tunnus): 1455727-2
Society’s bank account number:
FI44 1309 3000 2042 48
Postal address:
Juha Purmonen
Photonics Finland
Länsikatu 15
80110 Joensuu
Invoicing details here
Contact Information
- Photonics Finland Länsikatu 15 80110 Joensuu
- +358 50 354 3832
Photonics Finland Membership Information Update form
- For updating your Photonics Finland Membership details, please use the the form Here!
Photonics Finland Membership Resignation form
- For cancelling your Photonics Finland Membership please fill out the form here.
Photonics Finland GDPR statement
- Please see the Photonics Finland GDPR statement HERE.